Travel Through Time
Travel Through Time |
In our life on this planet need a major event to wake us from our complacency. A little discussed area of our experience is that of time, as we are conditioned from the cradle to the grave to accept it according to certain rules: the timing of the clocks.
From childhood we are taught to measure the months and years. We are taught to "tell time", which means the time measured by the nearest clock. We learn to interpret the schedule: this month is September, it is May, when the seasons begin and end ... But this way of measuring time is only a practical human invention by which primitive man knew and when to feed livestock, planting seeds or harvesting. The clock and calendar are only mechanisms that help us organize our lives, to impose a routine into chaos.But the timing may not be the only form of time, the cosmos produce, perhaps, temporary mechanisms of different nature. It is possible that the conflict between this time and cosmic or universal human chronology is the cause of the extraordinary phenomena called "temporary lapse" or "time jumps" in which two aspects or dimensions of this seem to work simultaneously: the subject can be found living in the present and the past (or in some cases, the present and future) at the same time. The experience is usually, at least, disconcerting, and sometimes confusing and alarming. The Return Of The Monks
A striking example of temporal slip happened to Mrs. Turrell-Clarke, who lived at Pyrford-cum-Wisley (Surrey, England). The lady was riding his bicycle by a modern highway to the church where he celebrated Vespers, when the road suddenly turned into a country lane and thought he was on foot. He saw her coming towards a man dressed like the peasants of the thirteenth century, who stepped aside to let her pass. At that point I thought she was wearing a nun's habit.
A month later, the same woman was in her parish church (had belonged to the Abbey of Newark, and miraculously survived the dissolution of the monasteries) singing with the choir sang a chant.But half the song was in amazement, how the church "change" back to its original state-clay floor, altar stone-arched windows and the center of the building was a procession of monks in brown habits chanting the same chant that the choir sang the twentieth century. At that moment Mrs. Turrell-Clarke realized that was part of a small group that was in the back of the church and only took part in the ceremonies. Sometimes the jumps in time require some type of physical contact. On May 29, 1973 a teacher in Norwich, Mrs. Anne May, her husband visited the archaeological site of Clava Cairns (Inverness, Scotland), consisting of three tombstones of the early Bronze Age, between 1800 and 1500 BC The day was bright, sunny, the birds sang, and Mrs. May walked first around the rough stones and then went into the circle of monoliths that surround them. Finally, he leaned on one of the slabs and closed his eyes for a moment, trying what yogis call the "missing a beat" (a moment completely blank). When he opened them he saw a group of men with hairy coats and pants made of leather straps crossed. They moved slowly, and seemed to drag one of the great monoliths on the ground. He noted, in particular, who had dark hair and very long. This curious vision may have lasted longer if I had not gotten a tour group. Immediately, Mrs. May returned to the twentieth century. This is a very clear example of what seems to happen in the timing jitter. The subject was interested in his surroundings, but not focused on that, the jump occurred at a precise place and time, when his body touched the monolith, and the transition from present to past was as instantaneous as your investment. Jumps to the Future
Breaks while future seem almost as frequent as those relating to the past, the difference is that those who experience them often become much more terrified.
These experiences of precognition seem to fall into two categories: precognition while awake and precognition in dreams. The second may also include premonitory repeated dreams, but dreams are most common isolates. The subject may be of a trivial or tragic. Interestingly, the dramatic events of life seem to have priority: is appearing in about the same rate as others. It is quite common in dreams appear specific locations unknown to the dreamer. The individual may meet the same scene later, and accordingly will be considered a dream precognition. However, it may not be the case. It seems that the mind records information often subconsciously, through scenes that are in real life and later are forgotten except in dreams. Then, when the true place appears in real life, is believed to have been announced in a precognitive dream through. Impacts of premonitory dreams of precognition exceeds the conscious state. This is very common, usually involuntary, and occurs frequently in a short period of time before the announced event occurs. It is a prediction rather than a premonition, and usually aim minor events. However, when predicting dramatic events, they are precise and unambiguous. The time between the experience of precognition and compliance is usually short, within hours or days. One of the most striking cases of precognition of a dramatic event happened to Miss RH Hodgskin, Birmingham (England), and her friend we'll call Tessa G. On April 20, 1974 the two were spending the day in London and decided to visit the Tower. All was quiet and the "White Tower", which houses the museum of ancient weapons, there were only a few tourists like them. Having spent a while looking at the weapons, the two friends began to find the atmosphere of the dismal dungeons, and decided to back out. They had climbed half the stairs when Tessa turned to his friend and said, "I hear some kids screaming." Miss Hodgskin heard nothing, except a slight murmur of conversation at the bottom, and said so her friend. Tessa became restless and raised his voice. "No, he said I hear some kids screaming and shouting." Her friend could not hear anything abnormal, and each thought the other way malfunctioned. However, Tessa G. was evidently convinced that he had heard the cries of children, and was quite bewildered. Finally, the deadlock was resolved that they were going abroad in search of a comforting cup of tea. The matter was forgotten for the moment. A few months later, a terrorist bomb exploded in the "White Tower", killing and seriously injuring a number of people, including several children. What he heard Tessa? Sounds of pain and terror from the dark past of the Tower of London? Or the agony of children who would suffer in the same place a few months later? This second explanation seems more likely, although there is no way to confirm or refute the issue. The frequency of cases of precognition is quite high. The prediction has a history almost as long as that of the human race, and prophets have always had a certain reputation, though, as the saying goes, "nobody is a prophet in his land." In reality. when the prophecies have been pessimistic (and accurate) has been shown to do in the future is a dangerous experience. However, precognition is still occurring and there seems to be subject to human control. Perhaps one day we can learn to control it. Electrical Phenomena ¿?
Some jumps in time seem to relate to possible experiences of reincarnation, others with what were considered apparitions of ghosts, others with ESP. All seem to work naturally, and. however most people are relegated to the realm of "supernatural". But the "supernatural" does not exist as any event that takes place in the natural universe we live must have natural origins. If we can not explain a phenomenon based on the known minor nature, this means that our information is incomplete. Who could explain the mechanism of an eclipse before they knew the true motions of the planets?
However, understanding the mechanism of the jumps in time still eludes us, the moment we can only examine the evidence and look for commonalities between the experiences so far, and possibly seek relationships with the known physics minor. So far, we have discovered the following common factors:
That being said, it seems that there are certain physical effects take place when time travel, the subject sees and hears of an abnormal form, and experience a sense of disorientation and alienation. Sometimes, people said to have felt itching or nausea just before experiencing his journey through time, this reaction is identical to that usually feel some people particularly sensitive to the imminence of an earthquake or a storm. (Interestingly, several of the sensations described may also announce the presence of apparitions or other paranormal phenomena.) One woman described a "tingling of the arms and legs, a feeling of being" plugged in "."And you can not to walk misguided, as there are indications that many paranormal experiences involving some type of electrical activity.
A "plug" or a contact with an object appears to have been what caused the experience of Anne May, as if he had pressed a switch. Several people have used in their stories the same terms to describe their individual experiences. It is as if the object that initiates the process (in the case of Anne May, the stone) had in himself the power to invoke the confusion. Indeed, if the operation of time travel is due to transmission of information from the past or the future into the present, that information must exist somewhere.Perhaps each of the components of the world we live in is constantly transmitting information about itself (on its way, color, texture, location, etc..) Through "waves" are still unknown to science. Some of this information can be received and absorbed by the material that is around it and when conditions are right, it can be retransmitted by the receiver. Any human being, situated in the area where data exists and whose brain is currently operating in the same frequency, you can record sound or visual impression from the "wave" sent by the first thing he did "issue". So ourselves in moments of great excitement or tension can be launched into the air signals will be received in years (or centuries) for any sensible person. Most appearances (though perhaps not all) could be attributed to this type of mechanism. But what are these mysterious waves that have the power to convey images and sounds over time? We do not know. However, it is a physical fact found that all objects radiate electromagnetic waves. The light waves that allow us to perceive the world around us, are just one example, radio waves, infrared and ultraviolet rays, X rays and gamma rays are all electromagnetic in nature. Most of these invisible rays were discovered in the last century: who can know what types of radiation are still waiting to be discovered? The fascinating branch of physics called quantum mechanics postulates that electrons in atoms (and our universe is built on the atom) move back and forth in time as easily as in space. Perhaps then it is possible that information about the future enters the present through a specific mechanism remains unknown. The Future Is Here
But if such information is returned from the future, then the future must exist somewhere and in a certain way. And maybe also we ourselves, and indeed the whole composite of atoms take with us the seeds of our own future.
Individual behavior of atomic particles is unpredictable, but it is possible to predict how they will act in mass. In other words, all events seem to be predetermined by cause and effect. Perhaps the idea of destiny arose from an instinctive knowledge of this fact that we are what we are and do what we do because we are genetically trained a certain way. If this were always true, we and all of human history would actually predestined, and our future is already set so inescapable.However, it seems that somehow have the power to alter, at least in some cases, exercising our own will. Therefore, when we have experiences of precognition in dreams or awake, we may be getting from a material that already exists (people, animals, buildings, etc..) Information about their own future development. It is likely that such information, in the short term, prove to be true, but not long term as to pass a longer period of time there are greater chances that the human will intervene in the process of causation. However, I must say that these cases are not very common. Trips to the past can not always be due to the "recordings" of past events, though no doubt this is the mechanism that explains a large number of cases. Several people have claimed to have been actively involved in historical events. While Mrs. D. Dove was walking near Bootham Bar, York, was suddenly transported back in time when a ray of sun hit a coat of arms at the entrance to the medieval city. His awareness of this suddenly disappeared and was involved in a medieval scene: he saw a large crowd and a group of men on horses as they cleared the road to make way for an important person following them. Then the sun went down, and the bright scene vanished. Is it possible that the door had "saved" this scene of his own past and that special light conditions caused by the sudden flash would set up the play-back? If so, why the door "chose" this scene among the millions of events was recorded? And why the scene was not witnessed and confirmed by the other people present at the York of the twentieth century? Did it contain anything that scene in particular is of special significance to Mrs. Dove, for example, spontaneous recall of a past life? Tune With Time
The human brain works electrically, there are differences between brain and another, and not all operate in exactly the same frequencies. You may be particularly sensitive to psychic phenomena waves in tune with the past or the future due to mere chance, simply because the activity of your brain is in the correct frequency at the right time.
It is also true that many strange experiences related to time may be due to hallucinations. The brain's memory system is not yet fully understood, and the subconscious mind has been very complex, dreams and hypnosis reveal a level of creativity inaccessible to the conscious mind. And the full extent of genetic inheritance is still an enigma. However, when all possibilities have been considered and eliminated, there remains a large number of unexplained experiences or only explained by the hypothesis of the electromagnetic force field that every human being has, and through which provides and receives information. If it is true that the brain receives electrical data from external sources is able to translate them into pictures and sound, then we know the reason for many of psychic phenomena, including jumps in time. |
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