Satan Leader of the Rebellion in Heaven

Satan in the middle of the Underworld
(The Very Rich Hours of the Duc de Berry XV)
Primordial force of evil, it would be just as eternal as God.It was he who fomented the rebellion of Lucifer, or incarnated in the form of the Serpent of the Tree of Life to create the original sin. From a Semitic root, much used by the ancient Israelites, the word means "to act as opponent, oppose" (Numbers, 22, 22, 1 Samuel 29, 4).
Arabic Shaitan also refers to the serpent (in Greek, the result Diabolos). It is in Zechariah 3, 1 and Job 1 and 2, that the word is used with an article to designate "enemy" who accuses Joshua and Job to lose with God. It can be concluded, that this is still an angel in the service of the Lord, but an angel who is already happy to bring the man. In the Chronicles, 21, l, Satan appeared for the first time as a proper name without article. He is the tempter who encourages David to commit a prohibited act (count the children of Israel)

Why is this Satan? In the Old Testament written before the exile, Satan, God's minister, is never demon or fallen angel. In later literature, it becomes one. Various works of the second century BC, already use Satan and Satan interchangeably. Then the two words become like Azael or Azazel, Belial or Beliar, Mastema, or Satanail Satomaïl, or Sémiazas Samyaza.

Gregorian - Ave Satani
In the first century AD, Satan is regularly likened to the serpent seducer. Some state that would have taken the form of an angel of light to take possession of Eve (Apocalypse of Moses, 21, 3) and, by extension, to seduce Adam. Responsible for the fall, Satan is also the introducer of the Dead (Book of Wisdom, 2, 24), and the sworn enemy of God and of men-my. In rabbinic literature, we find it sometimes created together with Eve, now leader of the fallen angels known as Samael. Jealous of men, he wants to lose and turns into reptile (so that you will call the "ancient serpent" '"or" the Serpent of the early ages ").
Satan overcome by St Gabriel
Ø Satan overcome by St Gabriel

(C. 1636) after Guido Reni
In other texts, Satan - Samaelis always accusing, destructive, seductive. Sometimes, it is identified with the Angel of Death or "bad instinct of man," Unlike the Ahriman ...Persian design, which represents the independent principle of evil, Satan is subordinate to God. Gradually, Satan rises in rank and replaces the other princes of hell. In the New Testament, it is the undisputed master of the kingdom of evil.
If incidentally, the Evangelists quote Belial (Paul, II Corinthians, 6, 15) and Beelzebul or Beelzebub (Mark, 3, 22, Luke, 11.15; Matthew 12:24), it seems that the point s' act in different characters but local nuances. It is the devil (Matthew, 5, 37, and 6, 13 and 13, 19), the Devil.However, some demonologists will make "the leader of the opposition" dethroned by Beelzebub
He dares to tempt Jesus (Matthew, IV, 1-11) who will push the famous "Vade retro Satanas! "(Mark, 8, 33, Matthew, 4, 10). He "will" even Judas (Luke 22, 3, Jean, 13, 1). For John, he was a murderer from the beginning and "father of lies" (8, 44). He is also the "Prince of this world" (12, 31, 14.30, 16.11). Chez Paul, Satan is also (II Corinthians 4: 4) the god of this world, but also the Antichrist ... (II Thessalonians 2).


Ø SatanØ Satan
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