Feelings of dread Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps March 31, 2012 I know that seeing shadow people can be a terrifying phenomenon, especially if you haven't seen them before or know much about them. While the appearance of shadows is still largely a mystery, we can be sure that they exist.Shadow people are dark figures in human form, but generally their features aren't distinguishable. Contact with these entities is usually brief - usually I see them out of the corner of my eye but when I turn to look they are gone. I've never had physical contact with the shadow people I've seen (that's usually the case with shadow persons sightings,) but I almost always feel intense feelings of dread, gloom, panic, and evil when I see one. Sometimes I even feel that way before I see the shadow person, as if their aura is alerting something in my subconscious.I'm a 32-year-old female working in the retail business, and I have seen shadow people all my life. It seems that for some reason I am more sensitive to their presence, although I'm not sure why. I've never experienced any other unexplained phenomena like paranormal activity or psychic abilities. Sometimes I go for months without seeing a shadow person, but other times the sightings are quite frequent. I usually see them in or around my home, both during the day and at night. Usually it is one lone figure. Although I can't make out features, only the shadowy form of a person, I can somehow sense that it's male (although not the same male every time.)The first time I recall seeing these beings was at 8 years old, playing in the backyard at my grandma's house while she worked in her vegetable garden. I was running around and she was bent over pulling up some weeds at the corner of the plot. When I glanced over at her I saw a tall, thin figure with its hands raised standing right beside her. I blinked and he was gone. My grandma noticed that I had suddenly gone white as a sheet and took me to my mom inside the house for some water; she thought I was overheated. I was terrified and never wanted to see anything like it again, but since then I have seen my share of shadow people in a variety of different situations and places.It helps to know that I'm not the only one who has seen the shadow people. I've shared my experiences with some people and gotten nothing but raised eyebrows or an explanation like "you were probably just tired" or "it was just a trick of the light." But thousands of people all over the world have given their eyewitness accounts of seeing such beings, many of which are very similar to mine."I'm not sure why, but some people seem more likely to see shadow people. Regardless of what others say I know I'm one of them, and that shadow people do exist.Psychic Insider Secrets Revealed! ** Discover more about Shadow People at http://The-Psychic-Detective.com from entire realm of psychic, spiritual and paranormal experiences, from psychic abilities to spiritual healing, shadow people to profiles of famous psychics and others involved in spiritual or paranormal pursuits. Free gifts and newsletter *The Psychic Detective* reveals all.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rebecca_Bennett http://EzineArticles.com/?Testimony-That-Shadow-People-Do-Exist!&id=6322256 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments
The Revelations of Sharula Dux Princess of Telos March 21, 2011 Sharula Dux is a princess of the underground city of Telos. Telos is located beneath Mount Shasta in northern California. The ancient continent of Lemuria (Mu) relocated 25,000 of its inhabitants to Telos j ust before the destruction and sinking of the continent Mu which transpired as a result of a conflict between the Lemurian Atlantis 12,000 years ago. Sharula emerges from her subterranean home to bring to the surface the higher truths that have been taught and lived for thousands of years. Her story will amaze and inspire you to discover how to live their lives the Telosians from birth to adulthood. Atlantean-Lemurian wars Lemuria A tale of two continents. One, in the Atlantic, called Atlantis. Another, in the Pacific, called Lemuria or Mu Twenty thousand years ago, these two continents were battling each other on the ideology of those times. This caused a series of wars between Atlantis and Lemuria. In ... Read more
Mind-blowing Paranormal Phantoms--Shadow People! March 06, 2011 <img alt="" src="http://b.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=8331609&cv=2.0&cj=1" /> close Loading ... Has This Ever Happened to You? You wake up one night and can't breathe. You flick on the light, and for a split second, you are certain you see a black shadow person--his hands around your throat, trying to choke the life out of you. Or, you are just sitting watching TV and suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you are sure you see a small, rapid ly moving shadow, possibly with a hat on, as it moves across your peripheral vision. When you look directly at it, there is nothing there. If you have had such experiences , or heard of others having them, then you are not alone . I too have had these experiences and it led me to investigate thi... Read more
Satan Leader of the Rebellion in Heaven October 24, 2011 Satan in the middle of the Underworld (The Very Rich Hours of the Duc de Berry XV) Primordial force of evil, it would be just as eternal as God.It was he who fomented the rebellion of Lucifer, or incarnated in the form of the Serpent of the Tree of Life to create the original sin. From a Semitic root, much used by the ancient Israelites, the word means "to act as opponent, oppose" (Numbers, 22, 22, 1 Samuel 29, 4). Arabic Shaitan also refers to the serpent (in Greek, the result Diabolos). It is in Zechariah 3, 1 and Job 1 and 2, that the word is used with an article to designate "enemy" who accuses Joshua and Job to lose with God. It can be concluded, that this is still an angel in the service of the Lord, but an angel who is already happy to bring the man. In the Chronicles, 21, l, Satan appeared for the first time as a proper name without article. He is the tempter who encourages David to commit a prohibited act (count the children of Israel) Why is this Sa... Read more
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