Mysterious Time Traveler John Titor
AMD 8 (Photo credit: andreco) |
A world ravaged by World War III
In the future described by Titor, a civil war erupted in the U.S. around the years 2004-2005 ultimately leading to a strengthening of security and creating a police state. Meanwhile, the mad cow disease undergoes a sudden increase up to become an epidemic, wreaking havoc throughout the world and stoking tensions.
For the young John Titor and his parents, without an American family history, a choice: stay in town and losing most of their rights or take refuge in the rural areas. A new civil war is committed, pitting resistant refugees in rural areas and the new government, entrenched in the cities.
In 2012, the U.S. war extends to other countries and soon the whole world ablaze. The conflict peaked in 2015 when the Russians bombed several U.S. cities, Europe and China, precipitating the Earth into a global nuclear conflict that will cause eventually more than three billion deaths. According to Titor, it is famine, disease, gunshot wounds and radiation, in order of importance, which will result in a significant fraction of the population of the planet.
The time traveler does, however, no details about what happens next. We will only know that in 2036, years which he said have originated, the war is over and humanity is slowly recovering from nuclear war in a world devastated and without mercy.
living in 2036
living in 2036
If the U.S. unit was restored to the original period of John Titor is the price of a major overhaul of its political system: it is run by a team of five presidents instead of one, the Democratic and Republican parties have given way to a dozen small groups and more diverse states are now grouped into five groups. The nation's capital is no longer Washington, probably destroyed during the conflict, but Oklahoma, Nebraska. Titor has very little mention of Europe's future, suggesting only that it was still in chaos when its journey to our time.From a social point of view, life in 2036 is markedly different from ours. People live in a community of several thousand individuals, cultivating the land for their own subsistence. Society of the future focuses on survival, the weakest are pitilessly expelled from their "community" if they become a burden to it. It is tempting to see this as a return to the law of the jungle, a culture of "every man for himself" and the survival of the fittest or, to borrow a phrase clearly appreciated by Titor, a world where "each door clean water ". This change in mentality has not been as negative as it has virtually eliminated the racist, sexist and homophobic: counts is the ability to survive and make himself useful to the community. The trials endured by the survivors seem to have strengthened the family ties, for example Titor saying that it is difficult to imagine away from his family for an extended period.
The landscape was also affected by the war outside of cultivated areas in the sweat of their inhabitants, the U.S. has been transformed into a vast desert rendered uninhabitable by radiation and toxic gases. Global warming has been practically nil, it is the lack of drinking water which is the primary environmental concern of men of the future.
The mission of a survivor
John Titor was born in 1998 in Florida, a state where he lived all his life. Soldier from the age of thirteen in the Shotgun Infantry, he participated in the conflicts ravaging the United States and will soon be extended worldwide. Passionate about life "before the war", he devotes much of her free time to study documents of our time.For the survivors of the year 2036, we are seen as the generation that "had all but ruined everything." Titor himself admitted we blame for the death of her companion, who suffered a brain tumor ... Direct consequence of nuclear war of 2015.
Titor gives no details about his life between 2015 and 2036. No sooner do we know he continued his military career and he was entrusted with a vital task in 2036. That year, seven soldiers are sent in the past with a specific mission for which they have been carefully chosen. Among them is John Titor.
Its mission: to return in the year 1975 to recover a computer, the IBM model 5100 (or 5110 according to conversations), apparently necessary to address a lack of UNIX computers are not designed to keep running after the year 2038. Titor was chosen for this mission because of his knowledge of the world before the war and because his grandfather had been instrumental in creating the precious machine.
the computer and got his mission accomplished, Titor made a promise to
his grandfather. It is this promise, on which Titor gives no details,
which pushes him to go in 2000 to join his family, his parents and a
young "John Titor" contemporary living peacefully somewhere in Florida.
Since his return in 2036 will take place a few seconds after he left for
an observer of that time, the detour of a few months time it should
attract no problems from his superiors - especially since, according to
Titor, his actions our time will have no effect on its future.
An excerpt from its manual machine to travel back in time.
Time travel and paradoxes
Time travel and paradoxes
One of the first things Titor at its events on the internet is to present his machine to travel back in time and give a general explanation of its operation. Without going into technical details very thorough, his time machine seems to be based on the creation of two "micro-black holes".The key is that the extent of our current knowledge, the machine time travel described by Titor is plausible, even if its supposed operation involves phenomena whose existence is unproven. Although Titor, private, has given few details about the operation of this device, no contradiction with current physics there has been raised.
Titor for his time travel should not create paradox: according to him, there is an infinity of parallel universes more or less similar to each other. His trip "in the past" would have actually led to another world, very similar to the past of his universe of origin (he estimated the margin of error between our world and hers about 2% and attributed some of this difference in his own presence has altered, even minimally, during the "natural" events).
Therefore, his actions in our universe will have no effect on that from which it comes: the paradoxes usually considered when it comes to time travel does not belong here. This allowed him to speak almost without restraint future events.
A schematics of the machine Titor. The work of a prankster?
Titor's predictions
the several month-long presence on the internet, John Titor announced
numerous events. Disturbingly, some seem to have made (sending men into
space by the Chinese government, for example).
However, others do not seem to have taken place: the famous American Civil War supposed to start in 2004 or 2005, for example, does not seem to be at the rendezvous. He also announced that the 2004 Olympics would be the last, claim contradicted by the normal development of the Olympic Winter Games in 2006. This could however be attributed to the inaccuracy of Titor, a possible error on his part or historical documents from 2036, or simply, the famous 2% margin of error between our world and hers. It should nevertheless not lose sight of the fact that many of Titor's predictions do not take a feat for someone following the latest scientific and political.
Anyway, the future will judge the accuracy of about Titor.
Note that although no "John Titor" was born in 1998 not currently resides in Florida, the veracity of his account is not compromised so far: it's a safe bet that the name "John Titor" n ' is a pseudonym, as he repeatedly stated he did not want to draw media attention to his family nor his young alter ego. The name "Titor" is probably derived from the term "Time Traveler" while "John", one of the most common surnames in the United States, is the epitome of banal name: the name "John Doe" is- not he used to describe those whose identity is unknown in English?
Contrary to what has sometimes been said, it would be wrong to claim that John Titor has answered all the questions that were asked. Often, Titor has avoided questions about specific events, such as refusing to give the date and place of natural disasters. However, it has not sought to ignore any questions and provide an answer to each of them, even if it was to confess his inability to respond ... Or to withhold the requested information.
Some inconsistencies and errors sometimes reflected in the words of John Titor. The date of commencement of the American Civil War between 2004 and 2005 ranges from one conversation to another, just as the PC model sought by Titor (key element of its mission!), Who moves from IBM 5100 to 5110, that Titor has said he is no longer any centralized banking system in its future and, subsequently, that credit cards are still used casts serious doubt on his claims.
Annoying detail, Titor has presented one of his pictures as that of his instructor, a laser pointing outwards from the vehicle with the time travel module during operation thereof. In the picture, the laser beam (observable through the cigar smoke) follows a straight path before curving abruptly, "under the influence of the gravitational field produced by the machine" according to Titor.
No need to have studied physics to notice two problems in this statement. First, a single cigar seems insufficient to allow viewing of the beam as well over such a long distance, all the more important that the gravitational field supposed to be present during the shooting would affect the movement of smoke. Second problem: if a gravitational field is there and deflects the trajectory of the laser, why not change he is not the path of light? It would be logical to observe other effects that the deviation of the laser, the rest of the light coming from this area should also be diverted and an anomaly should appear in the photograph.
Errors due to fatigue? Misunderstanding of about Titor? Or evidence of flaws in a huge hoax?
During his conversations, Titor has demonstrated a more extensive knowledge in the field of the paranormal that the average person since he heard about the Mayan prophecies concerning 2012, the HAARP and it mentioned, during One of his first visits, he loved the forums and chat about the paranormal since he could meet people more skeptical than average. It was not his first visit to this kind of chat and forum, is it likely that even then he did the idea of the hoax.
It has also undoubtedly been researching quantum physics before improvise time traveler. Perhaps is it even a student in science or engineer, curious to test the credulity of his readers or who knows, a sociology student for whom this hoax would be a kind of experience.
However, others do not seem to have taken place: the famous American Civil War supposed to start in 2004 or 2005, for example, does not seem to be at the rendezvous. He also announced that the 2004 Olympics would be the last, claim contradicted by the normal development of the Olympic Winter Games in 2006. This could however be attributed to the inaccuracy of Titor, a possible error on his part or historical documents from 2036, or simply, the famous 2% margin of error between our world and hers. It should nevertheless not lose sight of the fact that many of Titor's predictions do not take a feat for someone following the latest scientific and political.
Anyway, the future will judge the accuracy of about Titor.
Pure invention, or time traveler?
During all his passages on the internet, Titor has always responded to his critics that he appreciated the skepticism, preferring that his interlocutors do not believe him at his word. He has at no time sought to get something of his interlocutors, whether personal information or money. If there are hoax, it has not been done for profit.Note that although no "John Titor" was born in 1998 not currently resides in Florida, the veracity of his account is not compromised so far: it's a safe bet that the name "John Titor" n ' is a pseudonym, as he repeatedly stated he did not want to draw media attention to his family nor his young alter ego. The name "Titor" is probably derived from the term "Time Traveler" while "John", one of the most common surnames in the United States, is the epitome of banal name: the name "John Doe" is- not he used to describe those whose identity is unknown in English?
Contrary to what has sometimes been said, it would be wrong to claim that John Titor has answered all the questions that were asked. Often, Titor has avoided questions about specific events, such as refusing to give the date and place of natural disasters. However, it has not sought to ignore any questions and provide an answer to each of them, even if it was to confess his inability to respond ... Or to withhold the requested information.
Some inconsistencies and errors sometimes reflected in the words of John Titor. The date of commencement of the American Civil War between 2004 and 2005 ranges from one conversation to another, just as the PC model sought by Titor (key element of its mission!), Who moves from IBM 5100 to 5110, that Titor has said he is no longer any centralized banking system in its future and, subsequently, that credit cards are still used casts serious doubt on his claims.
Annoying detail, Titor has presented one of his pictures as that of his instructor, a laser pointing outwards from the vehicle with the time travel module during operation thereof. In the picture, the laser beam (observable through the cigar smoke) follows a straight path before curving abruptly, "under the influence of the gravitational field produced by the machine" according to Titor.
No need to have studied physics to notice two problems in this statement. First, a single cigar seems insufficient to allow viewing of the beam as well over such a long distance, all the more important that the gravitational field supposed to be present during the shooting would affect the movement of smoke. Second problem: if a gravitational field is there and deflects the trajectory of the laser, why not change he is not the path of light? It would be logical to observe other effects that the deviation of the laser, the rest of the light coming from this area should also be diverted and an anomaly should appear in the photograph.
Errors due to fatigue? Misunderstanding of about Titor? Or evidence of flaws in a huge hoax?
The man behind Titor
Statistically, the majority of Internet users and people attending forums or chats on the paranormal are relatively young, it is reasonable to assume that John had between 18 and 30 in 2000-2001 - the more that such a hoax may seem childish.During his conversations, Titor has demonstrated a more extensive knowledge in the field of the paranormal that the average person since he heard about the Mayan prophecies concerning 2012, the HAARP and it mentioned, during One of his first visits, he loved the forums and chat about the paranormal since he could meet people more skeptical than average. It was not his first visit to this kind of chat and forum, is it likely that even then he did the idea of the hoax.
It has also undoubtedly been researching quantum physics before improvise time traveler. Perhaps is it even a student in science or engineer, curious to test the credulity of his readers or who knows, a sociology student for whom this hoax would be a kind of experience.
John gives the impression of being more Democratic than Republican, but
his vision of the future, where both parties have given way to a
multitude of smaller factions, may suggest that it is satisfied by any
U.S. major parties.
Geographically, it is almost indisputable that Titor is American. What little attention it pays to Europe in his stories, the importance that occupy the United States and his command of English are all indications that he probably lives in the United States. It is tempting to think that he is from Florida, as he claims, but do not lose sight that he showed throughout his conversations with some interest in the north of its countries: it says that Canadians are "admirable" (although they are nevertheless often the butt of jokes in the U.S.), advises people trying to survive the nuclear Apocalypse to head north and is the future capital of the country in Nebraska. Perhaps "John" lives there so in the northern hemisphere, and why not, even in Nebraska. Anyway, it seems to be interested in these regions.
Similarly, John seems to devote a deep respect for farmers and the rural world in general. After all, the future he describes is a triumph of a world of simple rural life against a corrupt government entrenched in the cities. He also noted enigmatically that "all universities are not in cities." All this could indicate that it is from a rural or an urban dweller he is seduced by this lifestyle.
Like the time traveler he imagined, "John Titor" probably enjoys the shotguns because you can see one on one of his photos. He also says he loves classical music and rock and roll and expressed his regret at the fact that he "no longer what it was." This sentence may sound strange coming from someone of 18-30 years, it is therefore possible that Titor is older than that.
Ultimately, if the story of John Titor is a hoax, we know little about its author. However, it seems certain that he had carefully prepared his hoax before launching.
Geographically, it is almost indisputable that Titor is American. What little attention it pays to Europe in his stories, the importance that occupy the United States and his command of English are all indications that he probably lives in the United States. It is tempting to think that he is from Florida, as he claims, but do not lose sight that he showed throughout his conversations with some interest in the north of its countries: it says that Canadians are "admirable" (although they are nevertheless often the butt of jokes in the U.S.), advises people trying to survive the nuclear Apocalypse to head north and is the future capital of the country in Nebraska. Perhaps "John" lives there so in the northern hemisphere, and why not, even in Nebraska. Anyway, it seems to be interested in these regions.
Similarly, John seems to devote a deep respect for farmers and the rural world in general. After all, the future he describes is a triumph of a world of simple rural life against a corrupt government entrenched in the cities. He also noted enigmatically that "all universities are not in cities." All this could indicate that it is from a rural or an urban dweller he is seduced by this lifestyle.
Like the time traveler he imagined, "John Titor" probably enjoys the shotguns because you can see one on one of his photos. He also says he loves classical music and rock and roll and expressed his regret at the fact that he "no longer what it was." This sentence may sound strange coming from someone of 18-30 years, it is therefore possible that Titor is older than that.
Ultimately, if the story of John Titor is a hoax, we know little about its author. However, it seems certain that he had carefully prepared his hoax before launching.
And he was right?
departure of John Titor, in March 2001 did not mark the end of the
case. To prevent any accusations of rigging afterwards if his
predictions prove correct, a copyright was purchased for the writings of
the mysterious time traveler.
Subsequently, the "John Titor Foundation" was created in order to seek confirmation in the news predictions of future soldier. Controversial, it seems to be the opposite of the behavior of nonprofit Titor and his determination not to give information on natural disasters. Objectivity has also been questioned.
It also happens that imposters trying to pose as the time traveler or are excerpts from his posts as if they were their own. Yet it is generally accepted that Titor has no reason to join our times and that there is unlikely to return one day.
Ultimately, Titor's departure leaves many questions unanswered. If this is a hoax, the future should quickly lay the blame on Titor. But whether it's a hoax or not, the message that John Titor has sought to provide us is not devoid of interest. By offering a critique of our society to the outside and giving us a terrible vision, but a credible one of our possible future, perhaps he was trying to push us to think about our future and how which is changing our society.
And he was right?
Subsequently, the "John Titor Foundation" was created in order to seek confirmation in the news predictions of future soldier. Controversial, it seems to be the opposite of the behavior of nonprofit Titor and his determination not to give information on natural disasters. Objectivity has also been questioned.
It also happens that imposters trying to pose as the time traveler or are excerpts from his posts as if they were their own. Yet it is generally accepted that Titor has no reason to join our times and that there is unlikely to return one day.
Ultimately, Titor's departure leaves many questions unanswered. If this is a hoax, the future should quickly lay the blame on Titor. But whether it's a hoax or not, the message that John Titor has sought to provide us is not devoid of interest. By offering a critique of our society to the outside and giving us a terrible vision, but a credible one of our possible future, perhaps he was trying to push us to think about our future and how which is changing our society.
And he was right?
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