
Showing posts from August, 2012

EVP of a female demon spirit that wanted to have sx


The story I want to tell happened to me in 1998 in the house of my parents.

The story I want to tell happened to me in 1998 in the house of my parents.  It was a good night 's summer and I was lying on the couch to read me a book which I can not remember the title but I remember that I was completely wrapped up in it, one of those novels that take you away from the world around to actually get inside and eras from yours. I remember it was set in the Middle Ages and spoke of building a cathedral. At one point I hear the dog barking  in a strange way , alternating yelps desperate to furious growls. Surprised by this reaction as the house is out of the country and difficult to reach by strangers passing by and saw that not expecting anyone looked out the window of the living room and saw the dog pointing in the direction of the blank wall of the house. I thought I had seen some small animal such as a lizard or a field mouse, so I shouted to stop making noise. My voice, however, do not calm down, he seemed mesmerized by the wall and it annoyed me

Photo: Collection of Alien Skulls


She Cries Tears of GLASS!

Specialists could not believe their eyes: a Lebanese girl of 12 years, Hasna Muslmanib, was able to shed tears ... of glass. This phenomenon, reported by the press in the fall of 1996, came after the father had Hasna broke a glass on the floor of their house Fakiha. The young Hasna went looking for a brush , on his return, broken glass had disappeared as if by magic. The next day, the girl complained of a sharp pain in the eye. Consulted a doctor would extract a fragment of his eye glass. But since then, has continued  Hasna <cry> hundreds of tears over a period of six months. A local reputable, F. Maalouf, diagnosed her and said it was a glandular problem, but Hasna remains confident about it that it is rather a sign of the blessing of Allah . Related articles Python SNAKE Strangles Two Little Boys While They Sleep Mystery and Horror of the Mothman Possession! 13 Startling Demon- Possessed Incidents in the Bible

Strange Behemoth called 'ATAKA'

The strange behemoth Ataka The image shown below is undoubtedly one of the greatest in the annals of cryptozoology. About 50 years ago, this huge creature found washed up on a beach Ataka, Egypt in 1950, resembles a whale with two enormous tusks, intrigued to many experts, naturalists, scientists and cryptozoologists. His story begins in January 1950, after a terrible storm has ravaged the Gulf of Suez for about 3 days. The day after the hurricane, the authorities of the place discover a huge carcass , decomposing, the storm pushed on shore. A team of experts was immediately seconded to go to identify the strange animal. Although similar in all respects to a whale, the most intriguing aspect of this discovery is probably two huge tusks located on each side of its mouth wide. The animal also appeared to have a vent that opens at the top of the skull by a single port, like most other members of the family of cetaceans. These observations have led many scientists to believe tha

Horrific Hooded Figures or Shadow People

I experienced a meeting with "men-shadows", otherwise known as "hooded", reported by various people as a supernatural phenomenon. Most of the "people-shadow" is described as black humanoid, they lack the lips, eyes, noses, ears, hair, but it also happens that people report that they see in their red or yellow eyes. In general, described them as a figure without a body , but rather they look like shadows or distortion of gas.  Their movements are swift and chaotic, or "jiogly", first slowly like a liquid or jelly and then quickly "hop" to another part of the room. Some witnesses describe this movement that the dancing shadows on the wall to bounce off one wall to another. Observers' people-shadow "frequently report that their forms appear at the edge of their field of view and that are able to dissolve or move suddenly. Everything takes a split second. Many people also report that the shadow of this notice in the center

Christopher Eccleston will be the villain of Thor 2

After removal of Mads Mikkelsen in the credits of Thor 2  the production has relied on the player 28 days later, the British Christopher Eccleston to play the villain of the story.  It will therefore be Malekith the Accursed, and should team up with Tom Hiddleston. Thor 2 is expected in theaters November 6, 2013.

Videos/Farrell Vampire Fright

Fright  Night | Colin  Farrell Vampire  Movie Review - The Totally Rad  ... Colin  Farrell  as   vampire  and Dr. Who as Chris Angel? The new Fright  Night will make you forget Twilight  ... "Sorry to hear that, but your neighbor ... he's a vampire!   " Comedy horror in 3D on all cinema screens,  Fright Night  sends the 'sauce' as joyful bursts of hemoglobin and scenes' gore ', with the middle, a Colin Farrell , incredibly sexy, incredibly unhealthy and terribly bloody ! Blending horror, stunning waterfalls and black humor, this vampire film directed by Craig Gillespie (accompanied by one of the writers of  Buffy), provides a role of scale in which Colin Farrell returns to comedy after several chained roles dramatic in recent years ... Vampires: a very kind biting Today, vampires are booming and are very popular with all audiences!   Now, these strange creatures are investing our lives (  Twilight, True Blood  ) to our delight!   Howev