I See the Future! Precognition or Premonition

Precognition (also known as "premonition") is the supposed ability to know facts before your event and independence of its special situation that can not be deduced from this information acquired through the senses.
Commonly associated with precognition abilities paranormal and falls under the category of phenomena Gamma Psi . Some who support the existence of precognition maintain that most of the time the individual is experiencing precognition does not obey his will and occurs in an unexpected and spontaneous. A level mystical ability is associated with spiritual .
However, some psychologists believe that precognition is not just an idea that manifests in sleep, the body "guesses" will happen. Generally it may be because you dream of the behavior of human beings that appear in precognition (as already known) and causes a déjà vu for sleep.
The existence of this phenomenon is widely rejected by the scientific community .
Types of precognition


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