Archangel Michael: "Celestial Marriage"

I am Michael, Ruling Prince of the Celestial Militia. Beloved Masters of Light, Star seeds well loved, as promised, today we are gathered on the surface of this planet, to achieve, for some others among you, your baptism of fire, for some others among you, the Alliance Fire. You now enter directly in the reconstitution, in your Inner Temple, Dimension of Fire: Heart Fire, Fire of Love Fire of Light and Fire of Truth. So as I said a week ago, some of you will live today baptism or the alliance, others will have to wait for this fire can be rebuilt within your inner temple. You have before you a time span of several months to update and make the Fire of Love, this holy alliance with Source, they returned to their multidimensionality, its Essentiality of Being, and his Truth. Together, we plan to do this for those of you who have accompanied me and accompany me into the realization of this great purpose.Beloved Masters of Light, we never congratulate you enough for the work undertaken for almost a year now, to go beyond the matrix in which you live., In the encounter with what you are, for all eternity. So I ask you to place your hands, just as I had asked the sides of your heart to accept and receive the reunification of all the radiation that just are present, arriving on the set of your solar system and on this Earth , gradually and fractionated. Since a week ago, we actively prepare for this moment. Some of you have experienced the truth within the fire in the heart. Today, we, the Conclave, I, Archangel Michael, the group of 24 elders, Mary and the Divine Source, itself, unify our own Ray to your Rays. And this is now. Please welcome them for half an hour in silence, all together, so we can awaken in you and the whole of this land, and the alliance baptism of fire. Let us do all this now. 
Activating the First Circle, Circle of Fire of the Ancients, fed by the 24 Elders.Effusion.
... Outpouring of energy ... 
Activation of the entire irradiation Archangelic, join the Ring of Fire of the Ancients and the 24 Elders, now, power shedding.
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Activation within the Double Crown intertwined, the vibration of ISIS, named Mary, shedding energy.
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Activation of the double crown woven into the center of the Divine Mary, and the entire assembly, de la Fuente del Fuego, in your inner temple, now. Outpouring of energy.
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This is done in you, now, within your Inner Temple, the Alchemy of Cosmic Cross of the Four Elements. We live now, you and me. Shedding of Energy.
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Beloved Children of the Light of the One, some Elders have come to you to explain the conditions of maintenance and condition of the heart on fire. Because I'm not going to talk about it. It is up to bear fruit and keep that fire. That game is the guarantee of your ability to access the essence of Being, to access, eventually, his own translation dimensional. You should not pay attention to nothing but the intelligence of light as the supreme intelligence of the fire of love, you who decide, as (celestial and unitary) difficulties inherent in their lives and conditions, and whether they are internal, they are of the order of what is accessed diseases or bad situations. Solo, bring your awareness within the Fire Heart, within the Light and the Fire Heart, and light of heart act to protect their lives under the sign of unity, fluency, synchronicity and ease. It belongs to remain centered within the vibration within the inner temple.Otherwise everything else without exception, will depend, from the bosom of your lives, your ability to maintain and establish the Fire Heart.
Now, dear friends Children of the Light of the One, mark my words: This turning, baptism, and this partnership will take place from today, and progressively over time to some of you, as some will have to wait to have lived the last three messages in order to purify it to be, to be elevated in the fire of the heart. Do not be alarmed by those of you who do not live yet.
Now repeat those already living this, from today, or for some time, his welcome within its multidimensionality. Now, and as you know them, all the Intergalactic Confederation forces, is disposed around the planet to ensure that fire work in the heart of this planet and allow total dissolution of the matrix. 
As for you, we will ask you, dear friends, dear friends, dear human, within this density, not to believe anything but his own heart, because this center which is lively and heated by the fire, says the answer to all your problems in life and within this time. Content with living that Fire Heart, be content to put his conscience regardless of periods of 19 to 19.30 hours, whenever possible, within moments of doubt, within the time inherent in this duality again present, in order renewed, reunite and reconnect to what you are, in eternity. These are the words I had to say. States now, we welcome the Fire and the Light of Gold 
Outpouring of Energy ... ...
Reconnected to your Source, Fire reconnected, you participate in the awakening of the Fire, and the current planetary initiation. Thank you and bless you, and that light Gold and Fire accompany you. As for me, I will be with you on 17 February (ndr: Sunday February 14) at 15 hours, French time, to give instructions on when to move to 5 °.Level 5 th. that will occur on February 17 at 12 hrs. French time. Until then, the blessing of all the forces of light and the intergalactic confederation welcomes them with open arms, within their unit. You are blessed, and are loved. We 
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I tell you very soon. We remain united, even in silent communion with the fire of love and light of the Inner Temple. 
Outpouring of energy ... ... 


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