Illustrated Monstrous Creatures

It is rumored that the creatures half human, half monster existed since the appearance of ancient Egyptian sphinxes and griffins legendary Babylonian. Recent stories tell of golems, vampires, werewolves and things even worse.
In January 1909, residents of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, USA,  reported seeing a horrible apparition, half-human, semimurcielago, known as the "Jersey Devil".
On 17 January, Postmaster of Bristol, Pennsylvania, EW Minster, saw it flying over the river Delaware, "glowed like a firefly ... His head looked like a ram with twisted horns, and his long, thick neck stretched while flying forward. He had big wings and short legs ... emitted a mournful and horrible noise, between quacking and whistling. "
Almost 60 years later, in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, was given the name "Mothman" to a similar monster, like a bat with red eyes and bright.Appeared near Point Pleasant, West Virginia, on November 15, 1966, when a young couple who was in a parked car was startled to see a gray creature, almost 2 meters tall, walking slowly in a cloak. His eyes were red on the shoulders, but had no head. When the car fled, Mothman spread his cape and soared through the air chasing and squawking loudly.

Mothman terrorized the region for 13 months and disappeared. Skeptics blame the fertile minds appearances: it was a brown crane, a giant owl or a great blue heron, recognizing that fear prevented.
The perception of strangers is not restricted to young impressionable.David Gower, former Marine, told the writer on aviation Martin Caidin his supernatural encounter in a Vietnamese jungle clearing.
On landing in the river at about 1:30 am on December 14, 1974, Gower and five companions encountered three beings bright yellow, 2.5 m high, flat faces slits instead of noses and eyes like a snake. Its three-fingered hands finished off in long claws, then discover in the earth three-toed footprints. Gower emptied 20 rounds on one of the creatures, but this only "hit" before chasing the men back to the river.
Horses on the roads
On the night of November 17, 1974 near Bald Mountain in Washington State, USA, drivers with their headlights illuminated a strange beast the size of a horse and covered with scales, according to Ernest Smith. Its four legs were rubber suction cups. From its head shaped like a soccer ball out as an antenna extension, and shone with a spectral glow green.
There were already precedents for this "horse" mutant. In the spring of 1966, John Farrell and Margaret Johnson drove his car through the farm  Lord Dillon in County Louth, Ireland, when he suddenly appeared to them a huge creature. At first thought it was a big horse, until he discovered a human face grotesque and malicious. Blocked their way for nearly two minutes, staring wide-eyed, before disappearing.
The Pooka, often looking like horse or pony evil, was a terrible monster from Irish mythology, but motorists expect anything but meet it in a modern highway.
The Lizard Man
Nor would expect to see monsters emerge from the swamps of South Carolina, however, the June 29, 1988, Christopher Davis, who had just changed a tire near Bishopville, saw a two-legged monster approaching.Davis jumped into his car, but the creature tried to open the door.
He later described it as more than 1.80 m tall, with green scaly skin, eyes bright red, three-toed feet like claws. It was reported that they found scratches on the car door of Davis. The press dubbed the creature as the "Lizard Man".

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