Basic Tools of Witchcraft

The altar

° Element: Earth. 
· An altar is a table, shelf or flat plate that is placed on your chosen magical place and keep tools and other accessories like the rituals, formulas, or even daily. Usually placed in the middle of the magic circle facing the wind direction that belongs purpose of the ritual (see items). Do you work with Ground item 's properties are the altar facing the North, Fire is South, etc. Many people have always altar facing the North, as this is the gate to the ground manifestation. 
· How the altar looks like and how and when it is used is entirely up to each individual, someone puts it up and store it all away again after every magic act, others have always an altar standing with some solid stuff, and decorate it according to seasons. Thus, it is magical, discrete area of the home is always open to sit down and meditate, think or write journal. Do you feel that the latter method suits you best, you can decorate the altar, for example, the Sabbaths, seasons, special days and esbatene. Wear fabrics with different colors and designs, decorations with seasonal plants and flowers, statues of animals or deities, beads, mirrors, sea shells, fruit, bowls, etc., but the rituals should not be too cluttered and crowded. Do not have a small table that fits the altar, or if you prefer to work on the floor you can lay out a small cloth or a wooden board to have things.


° Gender: Masculine. 
° Element: Air (fire in some traditions). 
° the dagger is a small, double-edged, blunt knife and called often Athame (within Wicca). It acts as an extension of the hand or index finger to direct energies from yourself and into the atmosphere or into an object, draw the magic circle on the ground or in the air, invoking the elements and deities and empowerments. Dagger is not used to cut or scratch with, it is done with a knife (or Bollina). This tool is considered to be a strong phallic symbol, which party will be pot or cup. Lead these two tools together symbolizes the union between the sexes, balance and fertility.

The knife / Bollina

· A sharp knife for everyday practical use, such as cutting and marking of the rituals, formulas, herbal picking and the like. The knife is not so much "magic" as is practical. Use it to cut bread and cakes during the ritual, cutting fabrics, threads, plants, etc. when making formulas, cuts your magic herbs with it, and outline symbols into candles or wood.


° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Earth. 
° Pentakkelet is a flat slab of wood, ceramic, stone or metal with a pentagram (femtakket star surrounded by a circle) etched. Pentagram is a powerful protective symbol, as there are elements (in spirit), man with his five senses and a ring of protection. Pentagram alone can be worn, hung, or drawn on the ground to protect yourself or area. Pentakkelet Earth's tool and is therefore central to the altar because that is where the manifestation takes place. What is on pentakkelet is what you want to do. Do you use crystals, herbs, symbols, etc., choose those that correspond to the magic of your target and add / sprinkle / Scratching / draw them on pentakkelet to manifest the goal.

The cup

° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Water. 
° Symbolizes: fertility and the goddess's womb. 
° The cup is made ​​of metal, wood, crystal or glass and keep the ritual drink during the ceremony or party drink during meals at the Sabbaths or esbatene. As part of the ritual are the dagger into the cup to symbolize the union between the feminine and masculine.

(Magic) wand

° Gender: Masculine. 
° Element: Air (Fire). 
° The pole is a stick that reaches you from the elbow to the fingertips. It can be of different tree species depending on what you want to do with it, and many stock of the crystals. It can be decorated with symbols, paint and a cone or crystal on top, whatever you feel may help. The pole works just like the dagger, as an extension of your index finger when you collect energy and directing it by eg pulling of the circle and supplication.


° Gender: Masculine. 
° Element: Air / Fire. 
° The sword is a larger version of the dagger and used most often during group rituals where there is more space.


° Gender: Masculine. 
° Element: Fire. 
° Candles are perhaps the most widely used tool because it creates a special atmosphere by simply lighting it. To light a candle that is charged with energy is to unleash the energies and combine them with ildelementets power and action. Otherwise it is a simple way to bring fire into your home without setting fire to the living room and your kids, if you're one of those who can not sit outside around a campfire. Each color and shape have their features and symbols safety, and there are several methods of use, read more about this under Ildmagi. It is common to have permanent lights on the altar, a representasjonslys each god and goddess, or elements, and some have a work light that comes on every time they perform an action at the altar. Otherwise, change the use of lighting for the purpose, with respect to color and shape. The lights should also have a candle closes, when many believe that to blow out the flame of a candle also blows away the magic.

The pot

° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Water 
° Symbolizes: the uterus, the goddess, reincarnation, immortality and inspiration. 
° The pot is usually a traditional cauldron, as seen in the comics, only smaller and uses are more restricted than to stand and make giant brewing over an open fire with it. It need not be precisely such a pot, but a big bowl of iron or other heat resistant material, or a variant that can stand on the altar. In practice, use the cauldron to burn things, pieces of paper, amulets, herbs or incense, etc. Then you can fill the bottom with sand or any other heat resistant materials. In summer it can be filled with water and flowers to celebrate the summer, in winter it can create fire in it (if only by putting a candle in it) to commemorate the Sun and bring its strength back. By filling a black pot with water, it can also be projected in. To make the brew in the cauldron has been a little too inconvenient these days, it serves a pan better, so you do not have a special that you use only for this.

Broom / broom

° Gender: both. 
° Element: Air. 
° The broom is composed of two symbols for each of the sexes. The stick is a masculine and phallic symbols, while the brush is feminine. Composite stands for home and family. The sweep is primarily used to clean areas by sweeping the floor in the air, visualize that you are sweeping away all disturbing energies that others have left, especially when you clean an area before you throw circle. Otherwise, does the diet as protection if it is at the front door, the door frame, under the bed so the union aspect of it means that many couples use it in håndfastingsriter (Pagan "wedding ceremony"), where it is common to jump over a horizontal broomstick to ensure happiness and fertility in marriage. If you want to make one yourself, you can use birch twigs or straw.


° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Air. 
° Bell is a more unusual instrument, and used to summon spirits, the elements, deities during the ritual and clean the air before the magic acts take place. It is said that the sound is also scaring away negative influences, and therefore it can be hung small bells in a wreath on your front door or you can hang the mobiles outside. A sharp bell can also be a way to get Gods attention, when the sound reaches far.

The log

° Gender: Masculine. 
° Element: Air, all. 
° The deck is usually a long stick of ash that reaches the user, from waist to shoulders. It may have a y-shaped tip and be decorated with carved symbols, crystals, antlers, painting, silk ribbons, beads, amulets and talismans, and other symbolic things. The deck is rarely used during the ritual, but those who use the sign up their magical area or circle with it, they hit the hard ground to frighten away evil spirits before ritual or point it towards the sky to draw the sun, moon, or the power of nature into in itself. The deck can be dedicated to the item you want to work with.


° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Earth. 
· Food or sacrifice much like biscuits and wine, Christians receive the Holy Communion, but here we are talking about a piece of bread or cake and a cup of wine, milk, beer or juice consumed as part of a ritual, and it is common to set aside a portion of the food as an offering to the divine or nature spirits.

Black book / journal

° Item: Spirit. 
· This book welcomes your deepest thoughts and experience the magic and the spiritual journey.Where the journal welcomes the physical events in your life are black book for no one else will see. Write down the forms and rituals, your correspondence tables, thoughts, predictions, recipes for potions, etc. You can choose to have several such books, making it easier to keep track of it, eg by having a book of correspondence and other useful information and to enter such rituals, formulas and recipes as you try them. Most people write by hand, draw and decorate yourself, but it's nice to have things on the computer or in a binder where it is easier to change the order. A combination is better.


° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Water. 
° The plates have no permanent place on the altar, but is used when needed. They can contain elements, by having each bowl filled with either salt, soil, water, animal bones, incense or herbs, and placed in the circle's four corners, or used to store or mix the ingredients and can hold other objects that will be used during the ritual. The colors of the dish can be varied by purpose.

Water bowl

° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Water. 
· A bowl of water on the altar or in the western corner of the circle represents the element water.The water can also add salt and used to purify and consecrate objects formal rområder.

Statues / Photos

° Gender: both. 
° Item: all. 
° For those who have a close relationship with the gods can be good to have statues that represent them during rituals to make them more physically present. For those who do not believe in deities, this can still be as great symbolic value. The simplest example is if you intend to carry out a formula to draw love. In addition to all the other tools and correspondences, I think it is okay to use a statue or a picture of, for example Aphrodite / Venus, not because I necessarily believe that she exists, but because my association ability tells me that I associate her with love. This is true at least for the most famous deities, but otherwise it may be an idea to use pictures or paintings to awaken associations. I have a cork board that I sometimes use the rites mine, where I hang up pictures, drawings and symbols that have the purpose of my doing, and feel that this helps me to focus on the target. In kjærlighetsriter example, you can hang up pictures of couples interacting in everyday life (found in most women's magazines), Hearts and love symbols or drawings you make in advance or as part of the ritual. For those who like to draw or paint, this can be incorporated into a formula or ritual.

Herbs and Mortar

° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Earth. 
° Herbs are the Earth's tool and enhances the effect of the magic work or just in everyday life through the food we use it in. Each herb has its correspondences and properties, but it is primarily the energies they themselves charge them that counts. Herbs are not magic in itself, but the symbolism and maybe even smell and look at them evokes associations and emotions.Herbs to be used in magic often crushed in a mortar, a bowl of stone, wood or metal with a stick to smash, and sprinkled around the circle, the pentakkelet, altar objects, place in herbal sachets and amulets, ritualbad etc. but the altar can be decorated with tempting plants. The applications and methods are many, them, and how to use herbs for medical problems, you can read more about the Herbarium. Mortar can also be used to crush stones, salt, and other objects to be pulverized.


° Gender: Masculine. 
° Element: Air. 
° Incense is used to create moods and sensory reactions and to encourage you to magically work. The smoke represents our prayers, wishes and hopes that rises to the deities, to the higher spheres or out in the universe, depending on what you believe. Incense is really just herbs that burn, but when this happens, the release properties of herbs and remedies. It is customary to light incense during meditation, visualization exercises, when you want to cleanse and consecrate a site, prepare the magic circle, representing the air element in spells and rituals or cleaning objects. Incense can be added in an incense burner, which is a container of metal where the incense is placed, hooked on a link that the user can hold and swing the holder back and forth during the consecration of the areas. Incense Holder is a convenient place to burn pinnerøkelsen during rituals to prevent scorch marks on the canvas and board, and keep it glowing tip away from flammable materials. Do you stick incense, there are elongated holders of three to receive the ashes. Cone Incense burned in round containers, preferably with a lid and air holes, and create the incense itself is simple and ornate Writers kullbrikettene. Are you looking or performing your magic in front of the fireplace at home, can be crushed herbs or dried plant parts bound together thrown right into the fire. Read more about this in the Herbarium.

Oil and Oil Burner

° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Air. 
° Essential oils also come from plants and used as incense. The heated in an oil burner, a small tripod with pan and place the candle below. The oils burn, lubricated or added objects and herb bags. To read more see the Herbarium.

Stones and Crystals

° Gender: both. 
° Element: Earth. 
° crystals and stones is another Earth Tools. Each crystal and stone have their own vibrations and energies and placed on the altar, worn as amulets, add the herb bags, charged and buried or used to heal and inspire. To predict with you can also use crystal balls, but there are cheaper methods. To read more go to the crystals and metals.


° Gender: Feminine. 
° Element: Earth. 
° Salt comes from both earth and sea, both are symbols of the female uterus, and therefore symbolizes the salt goddess blood. People have used salt to preserve, stopping fermentation and purification, and therefore has salt got its cleansing properties. It can be used either to represent the earth element, or to cleanse and consecrate magical areas or things. To purify and consecrate added a bowl of water a pinch of salt before the sprinkles around the area or circle. Some people use dry salt to mark the circle boundaries. Coarse salt can be added in a small bowl, as a regular part of the altar, or placed at the northern corner of the circle to represent the soil there.

Symbols and Seal

° Element: Earth. 
° Symbols play a big role in the witch's art, because it is an image that can contain many words, thoughts and feelings without the uninitiated strangers can understand what they mean. Symbols can be anything from magical alphabets and runes to the pentagram, the Witch programs, astrological symbols, contemporary symbols and monograms / Seal of Quality. Magical alphabets used in the Black Books and records, and symbols as a focus point or talismans during rituals and spells. Many also carry special symbols on the body.

Amulets and Talismans

° Element: Earth and Fire. 
· An amulet or talisman is a small figure, stone, object or piece of jewelry made ​​and worn to bring protection, etc., but also to repel negative things. An amulet repels things you want protection, while the talisman draws you to want things and events. Amulets and talismans made ​​of natural materials, stone, clay, wax, plants, shells, leather, fabric, bone, paper strips or metal. What purpose they are made ​​of closely linked with the font and symbol use.


° What you wear during ritual is NOK the least important to think about, but many like to have a fixed shape. The most important thing is that it is comfortable and does not inhibit you in any way or is too tight. Fluttering draperies can be a problem with candles and ingredients that can easily be spilled out. Most people prefer to wear natural fabrics like cotton or wool because the substances breathing, others dressed rather off than on themselves to get closer to nature. The colors of the clothes is also important:
Red: for ildelementet and sun. 
Yellow: to the air element. 
Green: for the earth element and nature. 
Blue: water element and healing. 
Black: for strength, mystery and energy. 
White: spirituality, purity, the moon. 
Violet: for spirituality, magic and divination.

Ink and Feather Pen / Charcoal

· In place of using everyday pens or pencils can be nice to have a permanent pen or ink to use in spells and rituals, and perhaps also to the Black Book or magical records the results. Ink comes in several colors to match the purpose and with a quill or fountain pen you can write runes and symbols. Even easier, cheaper and more natural it is to use charcoal to write with.


° The compass can be used to determine the exact positions of the wind directions if you set up your altar or center your magic against a particular direction.

Twine / Rope

° Element: Earth. 
° Rope used to bind the firm or merge into energy to keep them, and worn or buried afterwards.How to knot magic also belongs to earth magic because it binds the firm and reasons. The rope or cord should be of natural fibers, yarn and twine is easy to get hold of and come in many colors. Read more about knot magic in Earth Magic.


° Element: Earth. 
° Dolls are made ​​of natural materials to resemble a person, only to be used to manipulate the situation around the real person. The goal is to heal, help, or bind a person using the doll ritual.Read more in Earth Magic.


° mirror can be used on the altar as a decoration or to predict, or as part of a ritual that has self-image, reflection, visibility, and to return and return energy to others. Garnish if desired decorative altar to summer with a mirror, to reflect the sun's light and power, or use a mirror under the full moon ritual to catch the moon's light.

Magical Liquids

° Gender: both. 
° Element: Water and Fire. 
° Magic fluids can be anything from the sun and moon, water, dew, blood, semen, menstrual blood, saliva, sweat, oils or urteavkok, and are generally used as part of spells and rituals.

Music and Instruments

· Music is used to create atmosphere and associations, and would like to make something more of an incantation or make a fixed ritual sang.Trommer and rattles can be used to accelerate the trance state. Play meditation music or mood music to produce special feelings before, during and after the rituals.


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