the Mystery of the Woman in White


Why the White Lady?

It is so called because when it appears to people, she is always dressed in white and surrounded by a white halo.

What is the origin of this legend?

Originally the White Lady was rather a wandering ghost in a castle and attached to a family.

Thus, the earliest evidence of the White Lady, come from Germany, where it is said that the White Lady is in fact the fairy Melusine, she appeared in the castle, when a member of his lineage would die.

She is also a familiar Families Neuhaus and Rosenberg, where it appears to announce a birth or a death in the family.

In France, a White Lady would wander in the castle of Pouancé, Castle dating from the XII century and located in Maine et Loire.
It would be the ghost of a woman, a jealous husband would live in walled castle, by attaching a chair at a table where were placed on silver spoons. Moreover, the Marquis de Preaulx who lived in the late eighteenth century, wrote in his columns, which had been found in a room, the skeleton of a woman, was there, table, chair and silver spoons.

Today where is it?

It arises in the same place, along a road at an intersection or near a bridge.
These places are also symbolically passages between our world and
the afterlife.

People who have seen the show, saying she was alone at night (usually around midnight), and seemed to need help.
They say also that those who have shown compassion, taking it in their car, escaped injury, while those who do not stop victims.

In any case, one does not really distinguish her face and she suddenly disappears without a trace.

Here are some current accounts of the most famous of the White Lady.

The White Lady of Chapereillan in Isère.

I would mention it first because it comes from a doctor.
Person who is a priori more realistic with their feet firmly on the ground. This testimony in 1977. The doctor returns home one evening, in pouring rain. He sees the edge of the road, a young woman dressed in white, it stops and offers to take her home. She agrees and after his address does not say another word. It is very quiet until they pass on the Pont-du-Ferret. At that moment, she is agitated and frightened. Arrival, the doctor prepared her umbrella and she looks back. When she did not return, it will ring the bell. A couple opens up, he then tells his story and described the girl. The couple, visibly moved, he learns that it is their only child, but it died in motorcycle-Pont-du Furet, years ago.

La Dame Blanche in Palavas Herald.

This testimony is from 1981.
One evening, four friends return home to Montpellier. They are Palavas, on the around midnight, they see a woman dressed in white at the edge of the road. They stop and asked him to bring it to Montpellier. It accepts a nod and mounts to the rear two passengers. At about 1 km away, whereas previously it was very quiet, she began to shout: "attention to the shift! . The driver slows down and passes the turn without incident. That's when passengers start to cry too because the woman suddenly disappeared without a trace, while the car was closed windows and was wedged between the two rear passengers. The four friends, quite shaken, we would at least go tell the police everything. This is first and think tank rather a bad joke. But then the police were convinced of the good faith of witnesses, because after several hearings, the four friends declared the same thing and never contradicted. Today, they avoid talking about this story.

Ella is just past the hospital on the road to Luc-sur-Mer.
There are many testimonies of the White Lady.  
She is described as a young woman, dressed in white, who says he wants to go to Luc-sur-Mer. Again, it is very quiet, until, when at the entrance of Luc-sur-Mer, she is very agitated and shouted: "Attention is the turn traitor! . When the turn is over, it disappears suddenly the vehicle to the amazement of the passengers. It is said that a young woman would have died in an accident that occurred on this corner in 1970.

You're done for this article.
As always please leave me your comments or stories if you too have crossed the mysterious White Lady.


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