Dog and owner get sick and die on the same day

A truly moving story is that of '15-year friendship between the dog and its owner Juma.

The two, in fact, despite being separated by distance, you are off the same day at the same time and, above all, for the same evil. Both the dog and his master, in fact, suffered from a severe form of asthma.

Gianfranco glitter, this is the name of the man from the age of 67 years, had lived with her ​​four-legged friend for 15 years, sharing the same house and even the same job as the man who took him with them every day in the bar that ran.

The fact is, that man had to be away from the animal for health reasons, by being hospitalized in a clinic in Terni, having regard to its plight, when doctors warned his wife that the man had died, the woman has reported that at the time he killed the dog that, by performing the analysis, it was discovered he had the same disease.


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